- Permaculture is not just about growing gardens and the plant world. It also encompasses buildings, energy systems, economics, and relationships within human societies. Permaculture offers a huge storehouse of strategies and practical techniques gathered from all around the globe and throughout history. Permaculture is an international network involving tens of thousands of people.
- Permaculture provides tactics and strategies for working towards sustainable livelihoods where we can make choices to support the lives of all beings on this planet.
- Permaculture is both permanent agriculture and culture combined.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture
- http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/perma.html - Attra Permaculture Information Page
- Permaculture is the art and science of creating community ecosystems in which plants, animals, and people interact to produce a fecund, ecological system that has the means to support itself indefinitely.
| Link to a useful description of Permaculture. |
| Link to a small picture collection. |
| Link to articles. |
| Link to frequently requested Permaculture handouts. |
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Tons of information for your spring garden. Check out Marisha's new website: My Garden Footprint
What is a Permaculture Design Course?
Coming Events
Fall 2011 Bastyr University seeds the Holistic Landscape Design Certificate Program
September 18 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Eugene, OR
September 19 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Big Bend, CA
September 24 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Santa Barbara, CA
September 26 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Ojai, CA
September 27 - October 1 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Los Angeles, CA
October 3 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, San Francisco, CA
October 5 - Village Alchemy: Permaculture Strategies For Transforming the Urban Environment, Sacramento, CA
December 1st - 14th: 21st Annual Lost Valley Educational Center Permaculture Design Course
Permaculture Workshop Survey